The function of 20 tonne per 24hours maize mill like any other maize mill is to crush the maize to give out maize meal. It is of utmost importance that the maize meal be thoroughly crushed to give the best quality despite whatever the maize meal is going to be used for. A good maize meal is therefore very important for the best quality of maize meal to be attained.
click for price and more details click for full technical flowchartThe complete maize milling process. A good maize mill must comprise of all these stages.
What is a good maize mill? This is subjective to the capacity of the maize mill so let us narrow down our question to what is a good 20tonne /24hrs maize mill?
- A good 20tonne/24hrs maize mill should be able to mill 20 tonnes of maize in any 24hour period all the time.
- A good mill should give out a good quality of maize meal in the end. A good quality of maize meal is maize meal that has no dust, straw, husk, sand or any other grinded and un-grinded material that is not a maize kernel. A good mill is comprised of a cleaning process, conditioning process, a degermination process, uses roller mills and has a sifting process. Milling and sifting are the essence of grain processing so a good mill must have a good sifting processes and roller millers. An added characteristic of a 20tonne maize mill would be a packaging system.
- A good maize mill should be fault free and durable. Once purchased a good maize mill should not constantly develop a technical fault and should function well for a very long period of time.
- A good maize mill uses the best material and fabric to avoid wear and tear damage for example rust and tearing due to vibrations of the mill. An example is use of stainless steel.
- A good maize mill is user friendly, it can be operated easily, can be used indoors or outdoors and a good maize mill is also affordable cost wise and also has an after sale guarantee for assurance.
These are some of the characteristics of a good 20tonne/24hrs maize mill.
A 3D picture of a convenient good 20tonne/24hr maize mill. Can be installed both indoor and outdoor. Uses roller mills, has a cleaning and degerminating process, has sifters, a packaging system and makes use of stainless steel pipes to avoid corrosion.
click for full technical flowchart click for price and more detailsNow that we have established what a good maize mill is, as shown above the next question is where can I find a good 20tonne per 24hr maize milling machine? Well the answer is right in front of you, you have come to the right place because Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery .CO.LTD is here to supply you with a good 20tonne/24hr maize milling machine. Let us take a look at the 20tonne/24hr maize mills that have been installed in Congo and Kenya.
This is the full line 20tonne/24hr maize milling machine .It has a maize cleaner, moisture dampener, 1 degerminator, 4 roller mills, 2 double sifters, an auto packing system and all the connecting pipes are stainless steel. For the full component list of the 20tonne mill you can visit or email

1Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery also supplies its engineer to come wherever the client is in the world for the installation of the maize mill. The 20tonne/24hr maize mill is a convenient capacity in most countries and clients who are just getting into business. It is economic and affordable .For the quotation for the 20tonne/24hr maize mill email and get the price.
The client does not have to worry about the logistics involved in shipping the maize mill the company arranges the logistics and delivers to the port nearest to the client. This is very convenient for clients. Here are some images of containers loading for delivery to clients.
click for price and more detailsAnother worry from clients is the issue of power and phase of the machine power. All this is not a problem as a client can specify their own preferences they want for their maize mill depending with which country they are from. The technology used in the design of the 20toone maize mill is European, Chinese and African combined together to come up with a state of the art maize mill machine so worldwide the 20tonne maize mill is suitable.

What about the guarantee of the machine? We guarantee you that our 20tonne maize mill machine will work properly for as long as you want to use it, but above that a year of spare parts is offered and a 1year guarantee. What more could a client want?
As clients we all want genuine suppliers and want to be secure that the maize mill we purchase will perform as promised. With Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery you can never go wrong as we have already supplied maize mills to various countries worldwide and our clients serve as a testimony that our 20tonne maize mill is just the mill you need. Take a look at the 20tonne maize mills Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery has installed in the past.
click for price and more details
The 20tonne maize mill machine is available to anyone anywhere in the world. In Africa our sadza/ugali/pap/ntshima are our staple meals and our pride. We want the best mealie meal in order to prepare the best sadza/ugali/pap.
We want the best mills to mill our maize into mealie meal. The best maize mill machine is a Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery machine.
A video of a 20tonne/24hr installed and running in Kenya.
Visit now!!!. Email or call +8613833461840 and get a quotation.